Remarks to the Prince
William Board of County Supervisors: November 1, 2022
My name is Bill Wright and I live in Gainesville. In case you missed it, I oppose the Prince William Digital Gateway.
So here we are. After a year of presenting arguments and evidence, we are still awaiting your enlightenment. I’m skeptical, but willing to be surprised. There is still time to avoid a disastrous decision with irreversible consequences that will forever stain your legacy.
There’s no point at this late hour of recounting the multitude of reasons why the Prince William Digital Gateway is a lousy idea. You’ve read it in the media, in the opposition of dozens of non-partisan conservation groups, and heard it from numerous speakers in these chambers. And the support for this lemon remains stalled at a few of you, and corporations and landowners who stand to profit from the deal. That’s some consensus you’ve built.
I have marveled at the lies, cons and unseemly motivations some of you have peddled or succumbed to. After some of the harsh things I’ve said about this Board, I will now pay you a compliment. You can’t possibly be that irresponsible.
And you aren’t. We all know the truth twisting and influence peddling that got us to this point. In fact, you know it better than I do. Shame is justified, but little is felt.
The only Board member I’ve specifically cited for criticism is Chair Wheeler. I hold her responsible for the complete absence of impartiality and due diligence that has tainted this CPA review process. I wear my strong opposition to her performance and conduct like a badge of honor. Those of you who choose to follow her might want to consider what a dark alley you’re headed down.
On the other hand, if you are responsible public officials and this is such a fabulous idea, why not collect the facts you’re avoiding now while you debate the proposal’s merits during your 2023 campaigns? If the idea is as good as you say, it can only garner you accolades. What are you afraid of?
In a few hours, we will have a clear picture of exactly what kind of public official you are. The good part is you get to decide what that picture will look like. Choose carefully, because that picture will be your public face for a very long time. Do you want to be revered or reviled?
If you think this struggle ends here, then you haven’t been paying attention. This is a momentous decision that will not go quietly into the night. Should you foolishly decide to approve this disaster after all advice to the contrary, it will haunt you in ways you haven’t imagined.
It’s time for your
awakening. Reject the Prince William
Digital Gateway.
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