My name is Bill Wright and I live in Gainesville. I oppose the Prince William Digital Gateway.
In my brief time in Prince William County, I’ve come to the conclusion that our government needs a lot of remedial training. But I’ll admit to one area where we are absolute world beaters. Pitting neighbor against neighbor.
East versus west, black versus white, Democrat versus Republican. It’s hard to keep track of the division our elected leaders try to stoke and exploit as a means to advance their preferred program. Insincerely feigning sympathy for one group while demonizing another must be some kind of market-tested strategy because it is employed repeatedly and in the most laughably transparent manner.
You may think this provides cover for your true objectives but it really exposes your self-serving motives since the intended beneficiaries are yourselves, not the constituencies you are trying to deceive.
You’ve seen multiple aspersions cast among my neighbors and landowners on Pageland Lane that are an unpleasant sideshow to what is really going on. Personally, I have no problem with landowners capitalizing on an opportunity created for them by others. I do have a problem with those who improperly created that opportunity using undue influence on ethically pliable public officials. I also have a problem with a tainted review process used to inhibit public scrutiny.
There will be growing rage as more residents wise up to what you’re doing to them. And it won’t come from people like me who own their homes outright, but from younger families who can’t flee your new industrial wasteland because their homes are less desirable and their mortgages are underwater. What will their reaction be when they realize this was done to them by supervisors who don’t live in their district? This is a recipe for more of the east versus west political havoc you love to perpetuate. It will come back to bite you.
You’ve also seen what happens when you team up with con artists to advance your agenda. The scheme starts to unravel. An October 6th article in the Prince William Times states: the applicant formed a foundation “‘as a carrot to wave in front of the Prince William County Board of Supervisors to help obtain the necessary approvals for the data center development rezoning application”. In the same article, Chair Wheeler had no comment. How reassuring.
With Stack Infrastructure’s recent announcement to develop a total of four million square feet of data center capacity at Hornbaker Road, Prince William County now has more than 49 million square feet operating or under development. That’s more than the Camoin report said was needed for the next twenty years. Why do you keep such news under wraps?
There are several types sitting on the dais – those who initiate deception, those who are willingly complicit, those who may be taken in themselves and those who seek the truth.
Which kind of supervisor
do you want to be? Think about it while
you still have the job.
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