Remarks to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Northern Regional Office: February 27, 2023
My name is Bill Wright and I live in Gainesville.
DEQ's website states its mission “is to protect and enhance the environment of Virginia in order to promote the health and well-being of the Commonwealth's citizens, residents, and visitors in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.”
Most of us are here today questioning how your mission squares with the accommodation you are proposing to permit a single wealthy industry to hazard our health and well-being.
My skepticism about DEQ’s blind eye toward data center growth goes back some time. On November 21, 2021, I asked regional director Tom Faha whether he intended to respond to a requested review of the Prince William Digital Gateway proposal. Despite the unprecedented magnitude of this project, Mr. Faha replied that: “Such proposals are considered local zoning matters and outside of the agency’s regulatory purview.”
In my follow-up e-mail to Mr. Faha on November 22, I stated: “While I understand that DEQ does not have direct jurisdiction over zoning matters in Prince William County, you are the state’s environmental experts and I expect that DEQ will at least render an opinion on the environmental risks and impacts of a project of this scope in order to protect the state’s equities and its citizens’ safety.”
On December 16, after DEQ neglected to submit a review, I wrote Mr. Faha again, lamenting that DEQ’s reluctance to engage until after the fact “is like saying this poison might kill you, but I won’t know for sure until I conduct the autopsy after you’re dead.”
On March 31, 2022, I wrote DEQ Director Mike Rolband imploring DEQ to engage in the review of the Prince William Digital Gateway after Fairfax County’s concerns made it an inter-county issue. His reply to me on April 6 stated: “it is premature for DEQ to offer opinions in advance of necessary permit applications.”
DEQ’s ineffectual method of engaging only after the horse has left the barn constitutes gross negligence that violates its mission and jeopardizes Virginia’s citizens. Uncontrolled data center growth and irresponsible approvals by willfully ignorant local governments did not sneak up on anybody. The crisis in electrical grid strain we are facing was not unforeseen. And the current data center capacity causing this crisis is a mere fraction of what Prince William County has already recklessly approved, but not yet built out. How many variances are in our future?
At what point will some local, state or federal agency step up and acknowledge what any child can see? The data center industry is way out over its skis and requires more responsible regulation.
Instead of foisting their problem on the public, why is there not a plan for data centers to reduce their electrical load though selective service reductions? If we know this industry is the source of the problem, the onus should be on them to be part of the solution.
Thank you.
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